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  • Lai, L. (2014). Learning to write, reading to learn: Genre, knowledge and pedagogy of the Sydney school. Applied Linguistics, 35, 109-112.
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  • Zenotz, V. (2012). Understanding language through humor. System, 40(4), 573-574.
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  • Frigols Martin, M. J. (2011). The European framework for CLIL teacher education. Language Teaching, 44(3), 401-402.
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  • Stickler, U. (2011). The DOTS project: Developing online teaching skills. Language Teaching, 44(3), 403-404.
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  • Segalowitz, N., & Kehayia, E. (2011). Exploring the determinants of Language Barriers in Health Care (LBHC): Toward a research agenda for the language sciences. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 67(4), 480-507.
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  • Juffs, A., & Friedline, B. E. (2012). Appliable linguistics. The Modern Language Journal, 96, 323-324.
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  • Mills, N. (2011). Teaching assistants' self-efficacy in teaching literature: Sources, personal assessments, and consequences. The Modern Language Journal, 95, 61-80.
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  • Xin, Zhiying. (2011). New discourse on language: Functional perspectives on multimodality, identity, and affiliation. System, 39(4), 580-582.
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  • Busse, V. (2011). Teaching and researching motivation. System, 39(2), 268-269.
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  • Mufwene, S., Mikesell, L., Joacquin, A. D. L., Mates, A. W., & Schumann, J. H. (2012). The interactional instinct: The evolution and acquisition of language. Applied Linguistics, 33, 102-107.
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  • Hauser, E. (2011). Forum: On the danger of exogenous theory in CA-for-SLA: A response to hellermann and cole (2009). Applied Linguistics, 32, 348-352.
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  • Mann, S. (2011). A critical review of qualitative interviews in applied linguistics. Applied Linguistics, 32, 6-24.
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  • Miller, E. R. (2011). Indeterminacy and interview research: Co-constructing ambiguity and clarity in interviews wth an adult immigrant learner of English. Applied Linguistics, 32, 43-59.
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  • Richards, K. (2011). Using micro-analysis in interviewer training: 'Continuers' and interviewer positioning. Applied Linguistics, 32, 95-112.
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  • Roulston, K. (2011). Interview 'problems' as topics for analysis. Applied Linguistics, 32, 77-94.
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  • Talmy, S. (2011). The interview as collaborative achievement: Interaction, identity, and ideology in a speech event. Applied Linguistics, 32, 25-42.
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  • Talmy, S., & Richards, K. (2011). Theorizing qualitative research interviews In applied linguistics. Applied Linguistics, 32, 1-5.
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